An ejection of food and liquids from the stomach, through the contraction of the stomach muscle, is called vomiting. Also known as emesis, vomiting leads to the
expulsion of solids as well as liquids, from the stomach. There are many reasons for vomiting like overeating, drinking excessive alcohol, pregnancy, migraine,
infections, flu, upset stomach, etc. At times, vomiting is also one of the symptoms for a major disease as well. Its own symptoms include increased saliva, dizziness,
light-headedness, difficulty in swallowing food or liquid, changes in skin temperature and increase in the rate of heartbeat. In the following lines, we have provided some of the home remedies of curing vomiting.
:One of the effective ways to cure vomiting would be to have GINGER TEA. Make sure it has less amount of sugar.
:CHILLED LIME JUICE also proves effective in treating vomiting. In a glass of cold water, squeeze 1 lime. Add sugar and salt to taste. Put in some ice, to chill it. Drink this mixture after every two hours.
:If the vomiting is due to excess intake of alcohol, eat a slice or two of BREAD slowly, so that it soaks the liquid.
:Do not eat any solid food until after 12 hours of vomiting. Instead, have loads of VEGETABLE JUICES, WATER and other NON ACID. Then only, start having solid foods, such as mashed potatoes, rice and oatmeal.
:On a non-stick pan, heat 2 CARDAMOMS. Once heated, crush them to form a powder and add a tsp of HONEY to it. Have this several times a day.
:Prepare a mixture by combining 1 tsp each of MINT JUICE and LIME JUICE, with 1/2 tsp GINGER JUICE and a tsp HONEY. Have it 2-3 times in a day.
:Boil a cup of water and add a tsp of cinnamon or one CINNAMON STICK to it. Steep it for sometime and strain the water. Now, add a tbsp of honey, for sweetening it. Have this decoction 2-3 times in a day.
:TULSI LEAVES, are helpful for treating vomiting. You can have them in any form you like.
:A tsp of ONION JUICE, taken after every two hours, proves beneficial in curing vomiting.
:Mix ¼ tsp powdered GINGER, 1 cup APPLE JUICE and ¼ cup WATER together. Blend the mixture well, until the ginger gets dissolved, and add enough ice to make it slushy.
:Mix 1 tbsp each of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR ,HONEY in a glass of normal water and drink it before going to bed.
:Put some CLOVES, CARDAMOMS or a CINNAMON STICK in your mouth. This is an effective way to treat vomiting.
:Cut a LEMON into two halves. Sprinkle some ROCK SALT on one of its piece. Lick this piece till all the juice runs out.
:Boil ½ cup of rice in 1 to 1½ cup of water. When the rice gets cooked, strain the water and add LEMON and drink it. It will help cease vomiting.
:Intaking half a tsp of grounded CUMIN seeds, along with water, is helpful in stopping vomiting.
:Avoid too much of oily, spicy food, heavy and indigestible food, when you are suffering from vomiting.
:Smell of LEMON PEEL also stops vomiting.
IPECAC ---The fact that small doses of Ipecac check vomiting is a homoeopathic legacy to allopathy. Ipecac has vomiting preceded by much nausea, a clean tongue and it is especially apt to occur after a meal. It is of doubtful value, however, in vomiting of cerebral origin. Ringers says: "Few remedies are so efficacious in checking certain kinds of vomitings." Persistent nausea and vomiting is its chief indication.
ANTMONIUM CRUDE---Vomiting with a white coated tongue is characteristic of this remedy. The patient vomits as soon as he eats or drinks. It is indicated in vomiting from an overloaded stomach, from eating indigestible substance, such as fat foods or from the heat of summer.
KREOSOTUM---Kreosote suits vomiting of food in an undigested form after it has lain in the stomach for a long time. It is sympathetic vomiting, the irritation starting from some other organ than the stomach. It suites the vomiting of phthisis, cancerous growths, kidney diseases and is also useful in the vomiting of hysteria.
AETHUSA---A wonderful remedy in vomiting of children where large green curds of milk are vomited, followed by great exhaustion; there is a drawn looks about the mouth suggestive of nausea. The child is hungry, and soon after eating or nursing the vomited matters come with a rush and the child falls back exhausted, only to rouse up and go through the same process again.
PHOSPHORUS---A very useful remedy in chronic vomiting of dyspepsia. There is great thirst for cold water, but as soon a it becomes warm in the stomach it is vomited. Phosphorous is also useful in vomiting of blood in gastric ulcer and cancer.
BISMUTH--- Vomiting immediately on taking foods, with burning pain.
CALCAREA CARB--- The patient vomits milk as soon as taken, in sour cakes and curds.
BELLADONA---Suits especially vomiting of cerebral origin, and here GLONINE---is also apt to be needed.
CAMPHOR--- This remedy is useful in the persistent vomiting of children in brain affections.
APOMORPHINE--- Vomiting of cerebral origin; profuse and sudden vomiting with little or no nausea.
IRIS VERSICOLOR---Periodical vomiting spells and especially vomiting of sour matters so sour as to set the teeth on edge.
Homeopathy Dosage Directions
Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency
(6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label.
Many homeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the
remedy work. If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual.
Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient.
If no response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different remedy
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
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