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Wednesday, February 10, 2010



Tinnitus is a buzzing sound that can be heard in one or both of the ears. The sound may either be consistent or come and go at varied intervals. There are basically
two types of tinnitus - objective and subjective. In case of objective tinnitus, not only will the affected person hear a buzzing sound, but those around him would
also hear the sound coming from his ears. On the other hand, subjective tinnitus patients will experience the buzzing sound all alone. Damage in the ears, age and
presence of any waxy particles inside the ear are some of the reasons of tinnitus. The most common symptoms of the ailment include hissing or buzzing sound inside the
ears. These sounds coincide with the heartbeats of the patient. As a result of tinnitus, apart from losing on sleep, the affected person also fails to concentrate on work. In the following lines, we have provided some of the home remedies for treating tinnitus.

:For people who suffer from tinnitus because of loud noise, the best option would be to wear ear plugs.
:When suffering from tinnitus, it is advisable to avoid saturated fats, processed foods, sugar and salts. :Coffee, tea, sweet foods and refined alcohol, all add to the tinnitus problem. It is advisable to avoid these foods and beverages.
:Include lots of fruits and vegetables, garlic, kelp and sea vegetables in your diet. Have food rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, zinc and choline.
:Mix a tsp each of salt and glycerin in a pint of warm water. Use this liquid as a nasal spray, spraying it in each nostril until the solution drains to the throat.
Exercising regularly is a good way to tackle tinnitus problem.
:Wearing earplugs is a good way to cure tinnitus at home. The earplugs can be of any variety, such as rubber, foam or moldable wax ones.
:Have lots of fresh pineapple, as it reduces the inflammation in your ear, thereby curing tinnitus.
:Chewing dry fruits helps enhance the blood circulation, thereby acting beneficially in solving tinnitus.
:Taking hot and cold foot baths, alternatively, proves effective in treating tinnitus.


CALCAREA CARB---: When this remedy is indicated, tinnitus may be experienced alone or with vertigo. You may have hearing problems, or cracking and pulsing sensations in the ears. Those who need this remedy are usually chilly, easily fatigued, crave sweets, and feel overwhelmed and anxious when unwell.
CARBO VEG: Useful if ringing in the ears occurs during flu or other conditions involving vertigo and nausea. The symptoms may be worst in the evening and at night. You may feel cold and faint. You may have a craving for fresh and moving air.
CHINA (also called Cinchona officinalis): Helpful if you feel touchy, weak, and nervous with sensitivity to noise and tinnitus. This remedy is often given after fluids have been lost through vomiting, diarrhea, heavy sweating, and surgery or other conditions involving blood loss.
CHINININUM SULPHURICUM: Buzzing, ringing, and roaring sounds that are loud enough to impair the person's hearing suggest a need for this remedy. A tendency toward chills and vertigo, during which the tinnitus is often worse is another indication for this remedy.
COFFEA CRUDA: This remedy is indicated for an excitable, nervous person with tinnitus accompanied by extremely sensitive hearing and a buzzing feeling in the back of the head. They often have insomnia from mental overstimulation.
GRAPHITIS: Beneficial to a person who has tinnitus with associated deafness. Hissing and clicking sounds are often heard in the ears (or even louder sounds like gunshots). The person may also have a tendency toward constipation, poor concentration, and cracking skin eruptions.
KALI CARB: Useful for tinnitus with ringing or roaring, accompanied by cracking noises and itching in the ears. Vertigo is another indication. Persons who benefit most from this remedy are often quite conservative, with a rigid code of ethics. They tend to feel anxiety in the region of the stomach.
LYCOPODIUM: This remedy is often prescribed when you have a humming and roaring in the ears, along with impairment of hearing. Sounds seem to echo in the ears. You have a tendency toward ear infections with discharge, as well as chronic digestive problems or urinary tract complaints.
NATRUM SALICYLICUM: Beneficial if ringing in the ears is like a low, dull hum. Loss of hearing related to bone conduction, as well as nerve interference and vertigo, may be involved. This is a useful remedy when tinnitus and tiredness occur after influenza or along with Meniere's disease.
SALICYLICUM ACIDUM: This remedy is often indicated for tinnitus with very loud roaring or ringing sounds, which may be accompanied by deafness or vertigo. Flu and Meniere's disease are other indications. This may also be helpful if tinnitus has been caused by too much aspirin.

Homeopathy Dosage Directions
Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency
(6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used.


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